Simple Forms of Prayer

Lighting a candle before you pray can help you to focus and listen.

Jesus taught us the Lord’s Prayer so that we would always have words to say. Use it!

The “Examen”. Don’t let the name put you off! This is a very simple way to prayerfully review your day with God
in five steps:

  1. Become aware of God’s presence, or ask God to help you
    remember he’s there with you.
  2. Review the day with gratitude (as best you can!)
  3. Pay attention to how you’re feeling about it.
  4. Choose one feature of the day and pray about it.
  5. Look toward tomorrow. What do you expect the day to
    hold? Ask God to help you remember he’s with you.

Lectio Divina: again, if this is new to you, don’t let the name put you off. Lectio helps you to read the Bible in a prayerful way. Pick a short passage of Scripture (it can be anything you like, but if you’re stuck, parables of Jesus or the shorter Psalms are a good choice). Read it through, slowly, two or three times. Notice what jumps out at you, and ask yourself, what is God saying to me here? Reflect on this for a few minutes. Then, read the passage again.

Now ask yourself, what do I want to say to God? – then say
it. Lastly, sit quietly and know that God is with you.