Author: David Florence
Ways to pray
Perhaps you find it hard to pray at home? You aren’talone in this, but we hope this booklet will help.Being stuck at home can be boring, frustrating, orlonely, even if there are other people in the house with you!And if you are very unwell, or worried you might becomeso, it can be frightening, too. God…
Simple Forms of Prayer
Lighting a candle before you pray can help you to focus and listen. Jesus taught us the Lord’s Prayer so that we would always have words to say. Use it! The “Examen”. Don’t let the name put you off! This is a very simple way to prayerfully review your day with Godin five steps: Become…
Mindful Moments 4
Mindful Moments 4 (8.27) covers the concept of loving kindness and paying kind attention to ourselves using Tim Stead “Mindfulness and Christian Spirituality”. For other resources try Youtube TED talk by Prof Shauna Shapiro ‘What you practice grows stronger
Some Collects and Other Prayers To Say
Sovereign God,the defence of those who trust in youand the strength of those who suffer:look with mercy on our afflictionand deliver us through our mighty Saviour Jesus Christ.Amen. O God, our sovereign and our shepherd,who brought again your Son Jesus Christ from the valley ofdeath,comfort us with your protecting presenceand your angels of goodness and…
A Form of Prayer During the Day
This is a form of prayer, sometimes called an ‘office’, which you can useon its own, or use to expand your daily ‘quiet time’ with the Bible. If youare doing the latter, then replace the suggested readings with the onesyour Bible notes/ plan suggest. You might also choose to use the “DailyEucharistic Lectionary” readings, or…
An Act of Spiritual Communion
A Prayer for Assurance of Christ’s Presence (“An Act ofSpiritual Communion”). Begin with the Collect for Purity , and then read the Gospel forSunday, or another appropriate passage of Scripture (e.g. John 14: 1-7).Examine your heart and confess your sins to God, using your own wordsor the prayer of confession, and then say The Almighty…
Creative Ways of Praying
● You might find it helpful to listen to favourite hymns orworship songs, or other pieces of music that have a specialmeaning for you.● Pictures can help prompt our prayers – for instancephotos of loved ones, maps or pictures of our communityor the wider world● If the news is getting you down, try praying for…
Prayers about the outbreak
Keep us, good Lord,under the shadow of your mercyin this time of uncertainty and distress.Sustain and support the anxious and fearful,and lift up all who are brought low;that we may rejoice in your comfortknowing that nothing can separate us from your lovein Christ Jesus our Lord.Amen. Lord Jesus Christ,you taught us to love our neighbour,and…