These are the wonderful people who organise activities and help to run and manage our Church.
Our Team
Rev Stuart Millington
Stuart is a retiired Priest who gives a lot of his time helping out in the Benefice. He is based at St Anne’s, Wrenthorpe.
Rev David Teece
David is a Self-Supporting Priest who offers services across the Benefice. He is based at St Peter’s Stanley.
Daniel Park
Daniel is one of our Licensed Lay Ministers (LLM) who offer services across the Benefice He is based at St Paul’s, Alverthorpe.
David Payne
David is one of our Licensed Lay Ministers (LLM) who offer services across the Benefice. He is also Treasurer for St Anne’s Wrenthorpe
Simon Beresford
Simon is one of our Licensed Lay Ministers (LLM) who offer services across the Benefice He is based at St Anne’s Wrenthorpe.
David Greenwood Haigh
David is one of our Licensed Lay Ministers (LLM) who offer services across the Benefice He is based at St Peter’s, Stanley
Vicky Wilson
Vicky is one of our Licensed Lay Ministers (LLM) who offer services across the Benefice She is based at St Peter’s, Stanley
David Dews
David is Church Warden at St Paul’s Alverthorpe. He is also the Treasurer
Pat Lambert
Pat organises Rainbows and Brownies at St Paul’s Alverthorpe
Bill Sim
Bill organises Cubs, Beavers, and Scouts at St Paul’s Alverthorpe
Lynn Fowley
Lynn is a Church Warden at St Anne’s, Wrenthorpe. She also organises the Benefice “Women of Substance” group.
Lisa Cooper
Lisa is a Church Warden at St Anne’s Wrenthorpe
Jacquie Grundy
Jacquie is the PCC Secretary at St Anne’s Wrenthorpe
Bob Illingworth
Bob manages Church Hall Bookings at St Anne’s Wrenthorpe
Roland Harden
Roland is a Churchwarden at St Mary Magdalene, Outwood
Joanne Zubovas
Joanne is a Churchwarden at St Mary Magdalene, Outwood
Duncan Hall
Duncan is the Treasurer at St Mary Magdalene, Outwood
Beverley Beaumont
Beverley is the Outwood Parish Church Council Secretary
Pat Robertshaw
Pat is the Safeguarding Officer for St Mary Magdalene, Outwood
Brian Taylor
Brian is Magazine contact at Outwood Parish, he is also organiser for the Parish Coffee Mornings
Sheila Crosby
Sheila organises the Outwood branch of The Mothers Union
Keith is the manager at Outwood Church Institute
Rachel is the organiser for Brownies at Outwood Church Institute
Karen organises the Guides at Outwood Church Institute
Josh or Tony
Josh and Tony organise the Scouts at Outwood Church Institute
Norma organises the wives group at Outwood Church Institute
Barbara is the organiser of “Mini monsters” toddler group at Outwood Church Institute
Paula is organiser of the Dance Class at Outwood Church Institute
Sarah organises Weight Watchers at Outwood Church INstitute
Suzanne is manager of the Pre-school at Outwood Church Institute
David Sunderland
David is our Church Warden, He also organises our Spring, Summer, and Christmas Fairs!!
Libby Gates
Libby is our PCC Secretary (St Peters). She also hosts the Benefice Housegroup
Dave Florence
Dave is Safeguarding Officer for St Peter’s and St Paul’s. He is also Lay Worship Leader at St Peters and Occasional Preacher
Marion Florence
Marion is the Childrens Ark toddler group organiser