Outwood Team
Roland Harden
Roland is a Churchwarden at St Mary Magdalene, Outwood
Joanne Zubovas
Joanne is a Churchwarden at St Mary Magdalene, Outwood
Duncan Hall
Duncan is the Treasurer at St Mary Magdalene, Outwood
Beverley Beaumont
Beverley is the Outwood Parish Church Council Secretary
Pat Robertshaw
Pat is the Safeguarding Officer for St Mary Magdalene, Outwood
Brian Taylor
Brian is Magazine contact at Outwood Parish, he is also organiser for the Parish Coffee Mornings
Sheila Crosby
Sheila organises the Outwood branch of The Mothers Union
Keith is the manager at Outwood Church Institute
Rachel is the organiser for Brownies at Outwood Church Institute
Karen organises the Guides at Outwood Church Institute
Josh or Tony
Josh and Tony organise the Scouts at Outwood Church Institute
Norma organises the wives group at Outwood Church Institute
Barbara is the organiser of “Mini monsters” toddler group at Outwood Church Institute
Paula is organiser of the Dance Class at Outwood Church Institute
Sarah organises Weight Watchers at Outwood Church INstitute
Suzanne is manager of the Pre-school at Outwood Church Institute